Researchers has develop 3D Hologram display for smartphones

Hello friends,

               Today i am going to talk about 3D hologram displayfor smartphone that has developed by researchers recently. If this technology is implemented in upcoming smartphone then we can see the hologram image of each & everything that we can see in smartphone that means we can see all 3D image of  which we can see in smartphones without wearing 3D glasses.

                A team of researcher from the Melbourne Australia based RMIT University and the Beijing Institute of Technology are developing "world's thinnest hologram".

 Creating 3D hologram on your smarthones:         


                 A team is designing nano-hologram which you can see without 3D goggles. This hologram is 1000 times thinner than a human hair.Using topological insulators,researchers are creating holographic film screen that is only 60 nanometers thick.This material act as conductor at the surface  & insulator throughout most of the interiors which is an unique properties of this material.
            According ton researchers Zengji Yue at RMIT university & co-author of research paper,the combination of metallic surface & insulated material acts as an intrinsic optical cavity.This generates multiple reflection of light with in the thin film. This researchers some day allow us to display 3D holograms on our smarphones which is an huge step towards technology.

             But there are still some engineering obstacle that they need to overcome. They are fecing problems like smartphone must be able to generate proper light source & also,a viable film coating must be developed to properly suir such a device.

                RMIT university professor Min Gu said that "our nono-hologram is also fabricated using a simple & fast direct laser writing system ,which makes our design suitable for large-scale uses & mass manufacture".
              The Australian-Chinese research team is working to improve the efficiency & quality of their device.Later on, they will look into developing mor flexible holograms,enabling use for smartphone & other application


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