6 Things you should never do with your Android phone

Hello friends,

      In today's post i going to give you tips about your android phones which gives your android phone a better experience for long duration of time. Let's start with the topic.

Things you should not do with your Android phone:

1. Do not use any battery saver, cleaner & do not clear ramdisk frequently:

     Battery saver clear all backgrounds task. If processor has to initiate any task it start from zero due to which the load on processor increases & power consumption of battery also increases. The same case will be for cleaner & cleaning ram situation.
    Your Android device is smart he knows ram management as well as battery management so you do not need to worry about that if your android device has to start any task which requires large ram space he atomatically turn off background task.

2. Do not install any application from third party website:

   For your Android phone please download application from Google play store or from reputed website.

3. Do not turn on unknown sources option:

   Please turn off "Unknown sources" option in settings which prevents you from installing any malware affected applications.

4.Do not use any antivirus:

   Your android phone do not require any antivirus so there is no need to use antivirus for your Android phone. If your using Google play store or any reputed website for downloading any application then their is no need of antivirus in your Android phone. If you want to use then use paid antivirus.

5. Do not root your device:

   Please do not root your device its open all the restrictions of your smartphone, due to which your Android phone can be affected by virus & gives worst android experience. If you have knowledge about rooting & if you know what to do further, then you can root your device.

6. Check permission of application:

    Before installing any application do not forget to check what permission required for an application. For eg: A torch application only needs permission for flashlight to turn on the torch if it require permission to access contacts, please do not install such applications.


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