Jio car router coming soon!!!

Hello friends,

       Today i am going to talk about jio secret device which can be launch soon. The device name is 'jio car router" . This device is first spotted on "Technical Guruji"  youtube channel.
     This device make your car a smart car. You can insert your jio sim in this device. It provide a free hotspot zone in your car apart from that it gives each & every detail of your car such as Oil pressure, tyre pressure, rpm, speed etc. 

      It also alert gives you notification if you cross your speed limit of your car that you have set in device & also get notification if your car is outside the boundary that you selected in device. There is no information is given about price of this device. All the data & notification will get on your smartphone with the help of an app.

Let's see the benefits of this device:

1. You can track all the details about your car.
2. You can also track your car if car crosses a specific boundary that you have selected in device.
3. You get alert about speed limit , boundary crossed by car etc.
4. You can create a free wifi zone inside your car.
 Launch date, price, availability,how to use detail will get you soon. Stay connected with this blog for further details.


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