What is DDR2,DDR3,DDR4 RAM?

Hello friends,

        In today's world many of people knows about RAM that is used in smartphone, laptops & computers etc. Before buying smartphone, laptop, computers etc many of them check that whether the device has 3GB of RAM or 4GB of Ram because they think RAM with high storage gives better performance. But no one can see that whether the RAM is DDR2 or DDR3 or DDR4 RAM.
     In today's post i will explain you what is RAM? &  also give explanation about DDR2,DDR3, DDR4 RAM.

>What is RAM?

     RAM stands for "Random Access Memory". It is used to store app data which is in running state or to keep app in running state.
     In smartphones LPDDR3 Ram are used of we see in flagship smartphones their LPDDR4 Ram is used. Here LPDDR stands for "Low Powered Double Data Rate". In smartphones this low power ram are used because smartphones  small battery capacity. LPDDR4 ram is better than LPDDR3 ram.
     In Laptop's computer's DDR3 & DDR4 Ram are used. Manufacturers do not use DDR2 ram it an older version & has low transfer speed & high power consumption than DDR3 & DDR4.

What is dual channel & single channel ram?

> Dual channel has two strip & single channel only has one strip of RAM.

For eg: If there is 8 GB ram of two laptop's
In first laptop we has 8 GB ram on single strip & second laptop has two strip each strip has 4GB ram. Here laptop with two strip run faster than laptop with single strip because to clean one strip of ram takes more time & if second laptops both the strip of ram clean together & hence it takes low time to clean.


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