What is processor & their component? Explained!!!

Hello friends,

      In this post i am going to talk about what is processor and their componenets & terms. I will also show you which quality can make a good processor.
     As we know for running an electronic gadget we required processor but whenever we are going to buy an electronic device many of them do not see which processor are used in a device or is that processor is run your device faster or it hang that device.
     Let's take an example when you are going to purchase an smartphone. The shopkeeper shows you device which has octa-core processor & it will not hang then you will think that you should buy this device. But this is not true because it doesn't matter that you have octa-core or quad-core processor. An quad-core processor can give you better performance than an octa-core processor for eg: Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 is an quad-core processor but it gives better performance than mediatek helio x20 processor which is an deca-core processor.

>What is processor?

    A small chip in an electronic gadget that can process your data. The processor is made on silicon chip.

Components of Processor:

1. Frequency: 

 The frequency is a speed of processor. As the frequency increases speed of processing data for processor is also increases.

2. Nanometer:

 It is an distance between two transistor of processor. If the distance between two transistor is small then the power consumed by the processor is less.
For eg: Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 is based on 14nm technology & Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 is based on 10nm technology , here Snapdragon 835 is more battery efficient than Qualcomm 625.

3. Architecture: 

 It is a mapping of an processor.it gives an idea that how to utilizes space on an small silicon chip.
For eg:Advanced Risk Machine(ARM) makes architecture which may be based on cortex A53 or cortex A72 or cortex A73 etc. Here cortex A72 cortex A73 are high performance core & cortex A53 & A55 are low performance core.

4. Core: 

An processor may be of dual-core, quad-core or octa-core etc. As the core increases the multi-tasking properties for an gadget has increases.
      I hope from the above term you will understand about processor & their componenets & you will decide which processor is good for your smartphones ,computers etc.


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