5 Amazing smartphone tips & tricks

Hello friends,

       Today i going to talk about some tips & tricks of your smartphone so that you can use some awesome feature of smartphone like saving your device battery , increasing device performance, solving maths problem & many more features.

Here are the given tips & tricks:

1.Fast charging:

         If you are in hurry & you want your phone to charge fast then keep you phone in aeroplane mode & plug into charging cable. There is one disadvantage of this trick that in aeroplane mode you cannot get any call & message alert.

2. Save battery:

        If your smartphone has Amoled display than use full black wallpaper so that you can save your smartphone battery this happens because in Amoled display the pixels get dead or off on black colour which saves some battery.

3. Increase phone performance:

     If your phone has become lagy or becomes slow then this trick will help you. For this trick goto developer option if developer option is not showing on your smartphone then goto settings>about phone> click on build number atleast for 5 to 7 times. After enabling developer option set your "windows animation scale",  "transition animation scale" & "Animator duration scale" to 0.5x or off then restart your device.

4. Increase gaming performance:

     If has phone gaming performance is low then you can increase your phone performance. Simply turn on developer option & enable "force 4x MSSA" option. This option increases your gaming performance but it will consume large amount of battery so if you done with playing games then you can immediately turn off this option so that you can save moneyyour battery

5. Save memory as well as RAM capacity:

     There are lots of smartphone which comes with lots of bloatware that cannot be uninstall to uninstall this apps you have to root your smartphone but you can use another way simply go to settings> apps & select the app that you don't want to use click on "force stop" option & then on "disable" option. This trick disable bloatware which you dony want to use. once bloatware get disable then you can save your RAM & memory that required by that bloatware.
       The given tricks are very useful. Normal user can use this features so that it can save battery & increase performance of their smartphones. There is no need of rooting your device to use this tips & tricks.
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