How to access internal memory with chrome?

Hello friends,

         In this post i am going to show you one more trick about Android smartphones. If your smartphone do not have any file explore then you can also use this trick for for accessing your files. You can also use this trick if your friend has locked gallery & file manager & then also you want to access to all the files in your friend smartphone.
      Before showing this trick please do not misuse this trick. You can also use this in computers, laptops, etc. There is no need of internet connection .

Here are steps that you have to follow: 

1. Open chrome browser

 A) For smartphones:

         Type " file:///sdcard " in search bar & search.

 B) For computers & laptops:

        Type "file:///Drivename:" in search bar
For eg: "file:///C:".
3. Then all your files are appeared which are in your internal memory  or in your hard drive.
  If you want more tips & tricks then don't forget to follow my blog or subscribe my blog. If you have any questions ask me in comment section or contact me all details given in contact us tab.


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