How to identify fake pendrive or real pendrive?

Hello friends,

       This is a topic that many user want to know before they buy any pendrives. Before talking about this topic i will first start an example suppose you want to buy a 32 GB pendrive & you have visited in a store the cost of that pendrive is upto 700-800 Rs & that same pendrive you get from any other store at Rs 300-400Rs & they will get that pendrive & you will not think about that why this pendrive cost at this store is low but its your responsibility to check whether this pendrive is real or fake if you insert that fake pendrive in computer or laptop the size shown is 29.8GB which is approx at 32GB then also that pendrive is fake because if you format that pendrive the size of pendrive is start decreasing.
        Today i am going to give you some tips to check whether the pendrive is real or fake so that you can check that pendrive before buying. This step is also applicable for sd card.

To check whether your pendrive is fake or real please go through the steps given below:

1. Connect the pendrive with pc & format 2-3 times if the size of pendrive get decreasing then the pendrive is an fake pendrive.
2. Copy the large file in that pendrive for eg. If your pendrive has 32GB capacity then copy the file has size more than 20GB if it shows insufficient storage or storage is full notification then the pendrive is an fake pendrive because a 20GB file can be easily copy in 32 GB pendrive
    I hope you will get idea about how to identify real pendrive. If you think this post is useful for you then share with your friends & don't forget to follow or subscribe my blog to get daily notification.


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