How to repair your corrupted sd card, pendrive etc.

Hello friends,

        Today i have selected this topic because many of people throw their pendrive, sd card once they get corrupted they do not think that they can use their corrupted sdcard, pendrive if that pendrive, sdcard get repaired.
        In this post i am going to give you trick to repair sd card, pendrive you can try this trick if it work then you can able to use your sd card, pendrives again if not then you cannot use that sd card , pendrive for further storage purpose.

Here is a step you have to follow in this process:

1. Connect pendrive , sd card to your pc or laptop.
2. Format that memory card if your pendrive get repaired than you can stop in this step only if not then go for further steps.
3. Open "comand promt" in your pc.
4. In comand promt type "Diskpart" & press "enter" button.
Eg: c:\windows\system32>diskpart
5. To show your disk type "list disk" & press "enter" button.
Eg: Diskpart>list disk
6. It will show your all disk internal as well as external. Before going to further process remember your disk size so that it will help you to selecting disk. Depending upon your disk size you can select your disk that you have to repair. If your pendrive is not showing then follow this process again if that's not working then your pendrive has some harware issue & it cannot repair further. If it showing then type "select disk no. "  & Press "enter" button
7. Type "clean" & press "enter" button.
8. Type "create partition primary" & press "enter" button.
9. Type "active" press "enter" button.
10. Type " Select partition 1" & then press "enter" button.
11. Type " format fs=fat 32" & press "enter" button it will start formatting . While formatting it will take some time. After formatting type "exit"  & press "enter" & then close your commant promt.
      That's it now you can check your sd card or pendrive it will start working.  If you think this post is useful for you then share with your friends & don't forget to follow or subscribe my blog to get daily notification.


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