Jio launches jio phone for 0 Rs

Hello friends,

      Today news is an special news for jio lovers or for jio fan. If you are searching for a 4G volte phone at affordable price then you no need to worry because Reliance jio has launch "jio phone" which is an feature phone.
     It is an simple feature phone but it has some Android smartphone like voice assistant, NFC, 4G volte support etc. In this post i am going to talk about all the feature of jio phone , price, specs availability etc.   Jio phone comes with awesome android feature. With this device jio has boost the "DIGITAL INDIA" campaign. Along with jio sim this device also supports other jio apps like jio cinema, jio tv, jio music etc.

     Since jio phone has NFC support it can used in digital payment. You can connect jio phone with your tv so that you can enjoy live tv on your big tv screen instead of that small screen of device. Jio has not given any details about wifi or hotspot feature in this device. Jio phone do not run on any java operating system like nokia feature devices it runs on Firefox operating system.

1.Jio phone price at 0 Rs is it real?

      To buy jio phone first you have to pay 1500Rs for jio phone as a guarantee money or as a security money after three years if you want to return your phone you can return & get your 1500 Rs back from Reliance jio store , if you want to keep that phone you can keep it but you do not get any refund money. For getting refundable money your jio phone must be in working condition if its not working you do not get any refund money.

2. Recharge detail:

      In this device if you do  recharge of 153Rs you will get unlimited data, calling, messaging, roaming etc for one month just like other recharge it has certain data speed limit according to rumor you get 500mb high speed 4G data after that you get unlimited data at a speed of 128 kb/s per day. Since its an feature phone at a speed 128kb/s the internet surfing is not an major issue.
      Apart from this there are other small recharge packages like if you do a recharge of 24 Rs you get unlimited benefits for 2 days. If you do a recharge of 54 Rs you get all unlimited benefits for one week. This plans is only applicable on jio phone if you make this recharge on any other smartphone you do not get any benefits.

3. Availability:

       Jio phone will be available for beta tester from 15 August 2017 & you can pre- book this device from 24 August 2017 on my jio app or you can also book this from Reliance jio store. Customer who prebook this device will be eligible for buying this device. You delivery of this device get in month of September. Jio has targeting to manufacture 5 million jio phone every week. All jio phone will be "make in india" only.
       Jio phone has 2.4 inches QVGA screen & also has ha alphanumeric keyboard. It is more than an normal feature phone. This phone is very useful for poor people who cannot afford an smartphone.
     If you think this post is useful then share with your friends so that many people get information of this device & don't forget to subscribe or follow my blog to get notification of each & every update.


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