What is NFC? How its work? & Its uses

Hello friends,

         In this post i am going to talk about NFC & its uses in day to day life. Many of smartphones comes inbuilt NFC feature but many users do not how to use this feature in smartphone & in which places we can use this feature.

What is NFC?

        NFC  stands for "Near field Communication" . It is a type of commmunication protocol which is held between two devices for data transfer in which one device is a a portable device such as smartphone, to establish this communication devices are within the range of 4cm with respect to each other.
       For NFC feature there are some NFC antenna present inside the battery or in mother board of smartphone.

Some Near Field Communication (NFC) uses are given below:

1. Data transfer:

        Using NFC feature the data transfer between two NFC devices is very quick & easy. Keeping two devices in the range of 3-4 cm you can transfer data using NFC very quickly.

2. Connecting bluetooth devices easily:

        Using NFC one can pair Bluetooth devices such as bluetooth speakers in single tap on bluetooth device with your smartphone.

3. Mobile payments:

         There are many payment option in upcoming smartphones such as samsung pay they are working using NFC.

4. NFC tags: 

          NFC tags are tags used to store small amount of data such as wifi password, basic settings of your smartphone etc. To access NFC tag feature you have to use smartphone with NFC option.


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