What is "USB OTG" ? & Their uses in detail.

Hello friends,

         In this post i am going to talk about one amazing feature of your smartphone that you are all ready know but there is some thing you do not know about usb otg to know this read full post all detail has been given in this post.
        "USB OTG" stands for "Univesal Serial Bus On The Go". It is an protocol is used to share data via Usb Otg cable. This protocol developed in 2001. This feature is commonly used in most of the Android smartphones.

        It is an hardware feature but to run this feature a specific software required in short it is an combination of both software as well as hardware feature. Normally Usb otg cable contains two ports micro usb port on one end & female usb port on another end but in case of type-c otg cable one end consist of type-c port & another end contain female usb port.
      For usb otg feature smartphone have capability to send power to external device through his micro usb or type-c usb port. If your smartphone  don't that feature then you cannot use otg feature. If your smartphone has feature to send power outside & do not have any specific software in that case you can root your smartphone phone & install the software that has given below:

1.For all smartphone:

A. Usb otg helper:

2. For nexus phones:

A. Nexus media importer:
B. Stick mount:


     Before installing you have to check whether your smartphone has usb otg feature or not.

To check whether your smartphone has usb otg feature then download the software given below:

1. Usb otg checker:

Uses of usb otg:

     You can use to connect pendrive, hard drive, card reader, keyboard, mouse, game contoller etc. With your smartphone it can also used in some things to connect like usb fans, lights etc. You can even charge another phone with usb otg cable.

Here are some usb otg cable & accessories  you can buy:

1.Usb to micro usb otg cable:
2. Type-c to micro usb otg cable:
3. Usb game joystick:
4. Usb fan & light:
5. Usb otg hub:
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