Truecaller: how it works???

Hello friends,

        Today i am going to talk about one of famous or most used app "TRUECALLER" & i will explain all the working of this app how this app identify unknown numbers? This app is showing accurate results or not? & Many more details of this app.
      Truecaller is an application which shows you details of unknown user. Many Truecaller user are thinking that how it identify unknown numbers?. Read this post you get all the idea about truecaller app. you can download this app from Google play store or click on the link give below:

1. How it works?

> When an user install & sign up Truecaller application in his smartphone all the contacts of that user get synced with Truecaller server. This process is called "crowd sourcing" , In which all the contact get stored in truecaller data base & that database is used for user to find unknown numbers. If 

2. Accuracy

> The truecaller result are accurate but not always because an user can save that contact with any name that is not matching to its actual name. 

3. What happen if user uses feature phone & that user is not using true caller?

> in that case also you can easily get identify by Truecaller because you contact number has saved in your relatives or yoir friend phone or they may uses smartphone & they also has truecaller app.

4. How to get unidentified by truecaller?

> You can get unidentified by simply go to truecaller app & unlist you name from truecaller directory. By doing this you can remove your number from truecaller directory.
  If you think this post is useful then share with your friends so that many people get information of this app & don't forget to subscribe or follow my blog to get notification of each & every update.


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