Google amazing hidden Tricks and Games

Hello friends,

        Today in this post i am going to talk about some amazing google tricks along with cool hidden games. I know that many of you know this tricks but those who don't they can take look on this cool tricks and amazing games and try this tricks and games. so let's get started with Google's amazing tricks.

1. Barrel Roll:

        If you want to roll the google web page then go to Google's website and search for "do a barrel roll"

2. Tilt Google web page:

       Go to google's search page and type "ASKEW" with this word your Google page gets tilted slightly

3. Blink HTML:

     If you search for "blink html" on google search engine its shows a web page with words like "blink", "blinking" and "html" blinking continuously.

4. Google in 1998:

     If you want to see how Google's website look in 1998 then go to google website an search for "Google in 1998" google will take you to his 90's website if you click on "Take Me Back To Present" option the google will show you his latest web page.

5. Did you mean:

     This trick shows you that if you type "recursion" word on google search bar then google will always show you "Did you mean" option even though you didn't make a mistake and if you click on google suggestions then also google shows the same " did you mean" option.

6. Gravity:

    In this trick everything which is on google search page get attracted towards Earth's gravity. For this trick go to google search page and type "Google Gravity" and click on "I'm feeling lucky" option.

7. Doodles:

     what do you get if you don't actually search for anything and just hit " I'm feeling Lucky" ? a Catalogue of all the Google doodles all the way back to 1998.

   If you are get bored with this trick then i have something for you, last three tricks are about hidden games of google so let's continue further.

8. Atari Breakout:

      For playing this game search for "Atari Breakout" and click on the first search result that's it now you can enjoy your game.

9. Pac Man:

      For this game go to google search bar and type pac man and search then click on "Click to play" option

10. Zerg Rush:

     This game is all about to protect your search result. Letter 'O' will attack on your search result and destroy your search result you have to protect your search result by taking mouse cursor on letter 'O' are click to destroy letter 'O'. to play this game just type "Zerg Rush"  on google search bar and enjoy your game.
     That's all for today i hope you will enjoy this Google's  hidden tricks and games.
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