Arduino basic hardware and software information
Today in this post i am going to share some basic knowledge about Arduino UNO R3 board. I have already given information about what is Arduino and different type Arduino board which are available in market to get information click on the link given below:
What is Arduino ? :
> Arduino UNO R3:
Arduino UNO R3 is a Micro-controller which is used to control various output and input devices.2. Digital pin 0 is use for receiving data and digital pin 1 is use for transmitting data.
3. Digital pin 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 & 11 is a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) pins which used to generate pulses and it is denoted by '~' .
4. Digital pin 13 is connected with internal Led
5. There is a separate led indicator for transmitting and receiving data in which pin 0 is connected with receiver led and pin 1 is connected with transmitter led.
6. There is a separate led to show status of a Arduino UNO R3 board whether it is ON or OFF.
7. Analog pin A0 and A1 can be used as a Digital pin.
8. It has three Ground pins.
9. It has two regulated voltage output pins in which one pin gives 3.3 V output and another gives 5 V output.
10. It has single power supply port where user can give voltage ranging from 5 V to 12 V. It has inbuilt voltage regulator IC which regulate voltage
11. It has single Vin pin in which user get same voltage output as it given in power supply port.
12. The core of this Arduino UNO R3 board is ATMega 328 Micro-controller as it name suggest 328 it means it has 32 Kb memory and it is a 8 bit micro-controller.
13. It has one USB type B port to burn/flash program to Arduino board you can also use this port to give power Arduino board but it is only recommended for small projects only for high power projects like to drive servo motors it is highly recommended to use external power supply otherwise your arduino board will get damaged.
14. It has two capacitor and a reset button to reset a program. It also has inbuilt reset pin that means user can reset program through reset pin.
15. It has 16 MHz crystal oscillator.
16. It has Atmega 16U Micro-controller which converts data into USB protocol or vice-versa.
17. It has separate In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) for Atmega 328 and Atmega 16U micro-controller.
18. It has Serial Clock (SCL) and Serial Data (SDA) pin for clock and serial data.
19. It has Input/ Output (I/O) reference pin for reference voltage of I/O devices. It also has single not connected pin.
20. Arduino IDE software required for programming click on the below link to download:
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