Google project ARA: Design your own smartphone📱

Hello friends,

      Today in this post i want share you one more project which is started by Google but due to some reason it get discontinue but it can restart in future. The name of the project is Google project ARA. This project was originally headed by the "Advanced Technology and projects team (ATAP)"  within Motorola mobility while it was aaGoogle subsidiary. Google retained the ATAP group when selling Motorola to Lenovo and it was placed under the stewardship of Android development staff.

>What is Google project ARA?

       In today's world many latest Smartphone at low cost is launching every week and According to survey an average person changes it Smartphone in every two year because of this the older Smartphone becomes trash due to which Electronics waste that is also known as E-waste which is increasing day by day. Many of people thinking that all this electronic devices get recycled easily but the fact is that it is to do 100% recycling of Electronics devices.

       To overcome this problem Google has start working on unique project "Project ARA" in this project you can design your Smartphone according to your needs. In this project along with smart you get different modules. This modules are connected in there frame with the help of electropermanent magnet. All modules are designed by 3D printer.


It is a small part of the devices which can easily change. For example: camers module, speaker module, battery module, etc. Here is a small video on YouTube about Google project ARA.

       If you want loud noise simply you can change your speakers modules with loud speaker module & enjoy the music, If you want better gaming performance just change your module with high CPU module & enjoy gaming, if you want Huge battery backup then simply change your battery module with high capacity battery module that's it then you can use your Smartphone for long time.

  This modular smart phones are cheap in cost which starts from 50$. It also comes in three sizes.

This is all about "project ARA" further i am going to discuss about advantages and drawbacks of this modular Smartphone


1. No need to change whole device again and again.
2. Saves money.
3. Reduces E-waste.
4. Low cost.
5. Design your Smartphone into your desired smartphone.


1. Thick in size due to modules.
2. Get bored with same design & look.
3. Bulky.
4. Lack of technology.
5. Software updates.

    This project is failed but this is not the end of this project because there are companies like LG & Motorola are trying to bring this concept again. You have seen most of the moto mods like speaker motomod, projector motomod, battery motomod etc, & there is mosquito away technology this are looking different from Google ARA but the concept behind it is same.
       If  find this post is useful for you then share with your friends so that they get idea about " Google Project ARA"  & don't forget to follow & subscribe my blog to get notification of each & every update. If you have any query ask me in comment section &  you can also suggest the topics for next post.

     Friends here is another great news for you all that we have started youtube channel for daily tech updates, reviews, tips & tricks in hindi you can go & check out channel
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